Arabidopsis Genome Project



     The complete set of genetic information


     Determination of genetic information and the mechanism by which this information used by the organisms.



Arabidopsis used as a model plant.

     Small plant belongs to family Cruciferae.

     Relatively smaller and simpler genome.

     Susceptible to T-DNA insertions.

     Convenience and abundance.

     Basic similarities to other crops.

     Low amount of repetitive DNA.

     Genome size:

     Nuclear: 125Mb

     Plastid: 154Mb

     Mitochondria: 367Mb




Arabidopsis genome Analysis: Initiation and progress

     1983 - first genetic map published

     1988-89 - publication of RFLP maps

     1990 - Multinational Coordinated Arabidopsis thaliana Genome project initiated

     1991 - first YAC libraries

     1995-96 - standard BAC and P1 libraries constructed

     1996 - Arabidopsis Genome Initiative organized and started sequencing

     1998 - Physical maps of all chromosomes completed

     1999 - sequence and analysis of chromosome 2 and 4

     2000 - sequence and analysis of chromosomes 1, 3 and 5

     2000 - completion of whole genome sequencing




Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana

     This report includes:

§  Completed Arabidopsis genome sequences

§  Annotation of predicted genes

§  Assignment of functional categories

§  Chromosomal dynamics and architecture

§  Distribution of transposable elements and other repeats

§  Extend of lateral gene transfer from organelles

§  Comparison of the genome sequence and structure to that of other Arabidopsis accessions and plant species.



The tools and applications

     Arabidopsis researchers use and have developed a variety of tools, including:

ž Synthetic DNA markers for mapping the genome

ž Collections of useful Arabidopsis mutants

ž Specialized techniques for transforming Arabidopsis genes

ž Bioinformatic tools that capitalize on the latest computing and networking capabilities

ž Collections of genetic maps.


Arabidopsis Genome

     Small genome composed of approximately 25,500 genes
§ 5 chromosomes
§ Genome mapping project completed due to internationally coordinated program.



Thale cress

     Arabidopsis thaliana, the thale cress is a small flowering plant native to Eurasia and is found by roadside and in disturbed land.

Uses of thale cress

     Studying plant sciences, including genetics, evolution, population
genetics, and plant development.

     Useful for genetic mapping and sequencing.

     Plant transformation studies using Agrobacterium tumifaciens.

     Developmental biology studies – fluo. Protein markers

     Study of the genetic basis of phototropism, chloroplast alignment, and stomatal aperture and other blue light influenced processes.

     Plant pathology studies

     Disease resistance studies